Thursday, October 27, 2011

Nice to meet you and a hearty handshake

Well, I am once again concerned about how to teach my children skills that I have not yet perfected, er...not even close to perfected!
I was recently speaking with a co-worker whose daughter is a pretty serious volleyball player. She is being contacted by college coaches and is going to meet them. The mother was telling me how they are teaching her to approach people, introduce herself and present herself in a professional manner. At first she was timid and mom and dad were right with her (but making her do the talking) and then she was able to step forward and do it on her own, with mom and/or dad close behind.

I think that is awesome parenting! And it made me wonder again how will I teach my twins to approach someone when I am really not comfortable doing that at times. I need to store these parenting tid-bits for future use.

I work with high school students and there are some parents that I encounter that all are about doing the work for the girls (its an all-girls school), "my daughter..." This is my reminder that I am NOT going to be one of those parents. These kids have a voice, they need to learn how to use it and use it effectively. Sometimes they use their voice too much...and don't say anything at all.

Ok, that is stored in my parenting "in box" least until they learn how to say actuall words!

Till next time!

Monday, October 24, 2011


Do you ever have one of those days where you are feelig down, and then something smacks you in the face, not usually literaly that says, 'um, hello idiot you have it pretty good!!'
I have had a couple of those moments in the last couple days.
The first is someone from my church had twin boys quite early, I'm not sure exactly how early but one of the little guys didn't make it, and the other one is not doing well. I am keeping the family in my prayers, but I am so blessed my twins were born so healthy...they made it to 38 weeks, I was not on any bed rest, and the weighed about 6 lbs and 8 lbs!! My little monsters!!
The second is happening at work. I am preparing a trip for our students to do service work in Honduras. The organiszation we are traveling with has a video on their site and watching the babies in the nursery made me cry. Maybe it just hits me more because I am a mom now, but to think of my babies in a situation where they did not have the necessities to live...and not even come close to having what they need. It makes my heart hurt so much. I pray for all those moms who can't support their babies, and just don't have the resources to give them what they need.
I just need to remember to take time to realize how lucky I am. Jeff, I hope you are reading this. WE ARE BLESSED. My babies are blessed too...not only to have an awesome mom and dad! But to be born here and now...and it is my mission to make sure they realise how blessed they are and to pay those blessings forward in life.

Till next time!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Fashion Sense

Ok. I'm worried that my twins will develop inadequate fashion sense. I have inadequate fashion sense and I am worried I will pass that on to them. This thinking all developed when the lady I share an office with is telling me about the drama of her freshman daughter trying to find shoes that match her homecoming dress. I am looking at the picture of the dress and she is explaining to me the shoes and how they just don't go together. They bought the shoes when they did not have the dress with them...then tried the shoes with the dress when they got home--no dice though.
SO, I'm sitting there and thinking, what is the problem here? Why do those not work together? What happens if Maggie asks what does this outfit go with? Uh...hmmm. In my head I am saying "I have no idea"
Is fashion sense something you learn? Or are you born with it? I also want Noah to have some fashion sense.
I have many gifts, but fashionistia is not one of them!
Perhaps aunts and uncles will have to help in this area!

Til next time!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Beginning

Hello World,
I have decided to start a blog reflecting on motherhood! I am the mother of 4 month old twins...a boy and a girl named Noah (boy obviously) and Maggie. They are the apples of my eyes but being their mother is the toughest job I have had in my life!
As I was standing in the bathroom this morning getting ready for work, I started to think I need to write down my thoughts about being a mom--primarily what I want them to learn in order to be good, productive members of society who are also compassionate and funny and good friends and someone people can talk to, and not socially awkward...and I am sure I am forgetting something.
So...stay tuned to this blog for my thoughts...and probably more questions than answers on how to be a mom (and a wife, and a working woman, and a faithful Christian...)


P.S. If you have any answers to any of those questions, just let me know!!!