Sunday, November 15, 2015

Passionate about potlucks

Last night, as I was cooking dinner my mind went to potluck suppers. I suppose it was because I was making my favorite food made by my Grandma, and now I make it for my family. I have not been to a potluck in a while, but if I did, I think I would make this dish. We call it "popcorn rice" because when you make it, it smells vaguely of popcorn popping--at least that's what I thought when I was young and the name stuck. To make it you brown orzo pasta in olive oil and then cook white rice with it. (I can give you the recipe if you would like it).

I love the idea of potlucks! I am somewhat of a picky eater, so in some sense they are terrifying! I used to work for a priest who let me know his thoughts on how great potlucks are...because you bring your best to give away! I mean, think about never bring a dish you are not sure about, or one that you don't like all that much. You bring your best...and you give it away to others!

Wouldn't it be cool if this was life too! The best thing about people, those traits that are most admirable about people...if you use those traits to benefit others. If more people were kind, compassionate, generous with time, talent, and treasure that were given away to benefit other individuals....and all humankind! I think I am going to strive to do this in my daily life. I would like to think I do already, but I want to make a more conscious effort. I also want to teach this to my kids! It reminds me of a quote by St. Francis de Sales...."Be who you are, and be that well."

Till next time!
Hug those most important to you!

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